Some of the many services we conduct are thorough market rent analysis, inspection, perform estimates, take care of remodeling, obtain management solutions that we dutifully provide to customers just like you on a daily basis include but are certainly not limited to: Property Preparations necessary permits and more – all in an effort to get your property ready for marketing and leasing. Marketing – We utilize the power of multiple listing services, real estate website syndication, flyers, brochures and more to cast the largest possible net to attract the widest range of quality applications. Tenant Screening – We help generate the peace of mind that only comes with knowing you’ve chosen the right person to rent to by performing credit report evaluations, criminal background checks, looking at past rental histories and more. Property Maintenance - We take care of all aspects of preventive and corrective maintenance and repairs for your properties. We use our network of experienced licensed and insured contractors or can work with any licensed contractor you want us to use in your properties and we work under a total open book policy. Contracts & Agreements – We’ll handle everything from offer negotiation to HOA or Condo Association approval and beyond. We prepare our leases with a detailed and thorough lease. Accounting & Financial Reporting - We take care of the complete accounting of your properties and produce financial reports that can be custom tailored to fit the individual needs of investors and property owners.


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